10 reasons why a business website is integral to your success.
A business website is integral to your success whether you’re just getting started or you are established and growing. You may think that word of mouth and a job well done is more than enough to help promote your business and reach out to new clients. These are extremely important for your local reputation, but in today’s world, this is no longer your primary source of marketing. The first thing most people do when looking for a contractor or service is to Google search their needs. This means that any business that has a website and appears in Google search, automatically gets a head start interacting with the potential customer and most likely will get the first call.
If you are looking to grow your business and extend your customer reach, you definitely want a website that clearly communicates your service to potential clients as well as giving your business a professional and safe image. The more organized and professional your marketing is, the more potential customers will trust you, and the more successful you will be.
So what will a website specifically add to your business?
1. Your website is your online resume that showcases your work
Your website is the first place people are going to search to see what you offer and what they can expect. Having a professional website that showcases your work will draw in the customer as they see what they can potentially gain from contracting/ purchasing from you. Your website is a portfolio full of dynamic images, videos, reviews, and written content that allows the customer to visualize what they will receive when they choose you. This is why it is detrimental to have a clean, clear and professional website for your business.
2. A website adds integrity and trust to your professional image
When a potential customer is searching for a reputable business to work with, they are looking for a professional image and evidence of popularity and success. Professional websites are an investment. A business without one or a website that is hard to navigate, cheap looking, or outdated, will come across as low quality or unsuccessful. A modern, easy to navigate, updated, and informative website tells the customer you have attention to detail, you are confident, and you have the means to invest in your business. This builds confidence in the client that you are active, in demand, and professional, and they are more likely to engage.
3. A website offers all the information so your customer is informed and confident
When a customer visits your website they are looking to gain as much information as possible before making that email or call. This gives them confidence in what they want and what to ask and expect. A well designed and informative website will allow the customer to explore your business without having to make that cold call over the phone. Most people do not enjoy being ‘sold to’ and would rather explore comfortably without any sales pressure. If the only way they can learn about your business is to contact you, they are more likely to skip past you and interact with a competitor with easy to access information.
4. A website adds a personal connection between you and your potential customer
People feel more comfortable and sympathetic to a person and a story. A website allows you to introduce yourself and tell your story to the customer. Your About Us page, or Meet our Team page, or sharing the work and achievements you have made etc.. gives the customer a chance to learn a bit about you and connect to you personally. When they do contact you, they have a story and an image behind your voice and they are more likely to trust you and feel comfortable.
5. You can answer the basic questions quickly, saving you time
Not only will your website attract customers, it will save you time and the nuisance of repeating the common answers to popular questions. Questions like what are your hours, where are you located, what are your services, etc… These constant phone calls can slow down your productivity and get tiresome. Even large scale businesses always refer to their website for details or contact options. Whether your website is purely informative or you are running your sales business through it, having a website is an efficient way to stay productive and save time.
6. You are available to answer basic questions 24/7
A website is always open for customers to view your information, answer common questions, and provide options for contacting you. This 24/7 communication is convenient and important for customer relations. It caters to the variety of daily schedules and allows the customer to access you during their own convenient time. Having a website helps relieve the stress of missing a potential client in the off hours, leaving more time for other priorities.
7. Most customers today are more comfortable engaging with business through websites
The largest generations of consumers today are now the millennials and generation X. Both these generations have grown up with technology and the ability to google search any business and service they need. They are very unlikely to search in the newspaper, in flyers, and look for business cards. Today your main business card is your website. The consumer expects that you will have an online portfolio. When you hand your business card to a potential client, the first thing they will look for is your web address. Most people in these generations won’t consider a business without a website. Your website presents your business as professional and reliable with an attention to detail.
8.You increase your geographical market
Google search, maps, and web addresses are available anywhere on the planet that has internet access. Whether you have a retail business that ships worldwide, or you’re a contractor that serves a 100km radius, your website is accessible to the range of your choice. You control the locations you serve and your audience. This opens your business to a larger demographic and geographical market. When your website is tailored to specific locations, your potential customers can find you easily, which puts you on par with the competition, or above and beyond those without a website.
9. Potential for online sales and bookings
If your business involves retail, or if you’re a business that schedules appointments, your website can save you time and hassle. By processing online sales or scheduling appointments, it saves you from the need to interact with the customer, freeing your time for other priorities. Your customers can shop or plan on their own time and leisure without needing to hunt you down. The amount of people that prefer to shop online increases every year substantially. Having an online store services a large and growing demographic of consumers.
“In 2018, an estimated 1.8 billion people worldwide purchase goods online. During the same year, global e-retail sales amounted to 2.8 trillion U.S. dollars and projections show a growth of up to 4.8 trillion U.S. dollars by 2021.” – Statista – E Commerce Worldwide
10. Professional websites are cell phone compatible, extending your consumer reach.
A professionally designed website will work on all platforms. Computers, tablets, and cell phones. Cell phones are the main device used when people are on the go, and today almost everyone has a cell phone and a growing number are using them as their primary device. Having a professional website that is cell phone compatible means that your customer can find you at their convenience and in the moment they are searching. This ensures you don’t miss out on the business and revenue from consumers primarily using their mobile devices.
Passing on a website for your business can mean a substantial loss of revenue and will put you at a disadvantage against your competition. Today, businesses are primarily found through search engines online and most customers prefer to view a website before contacting and investing in a business. Your website is your most effective marketing platform and a clear first impression that you can design and control. It is an asset to your success and one of your most important investments.